Sunday, November 30, 2008

Taco Bell

Sitting at home tonight, the lovely wife and I were trying to decide what to have for dinner.
You know the conversation..what do you want...I don't know...what do you want...repeat until something sounds good. After 2 days of Thanksgiving leftovers, we decided on Taco Bell.
I...being the great hunter/gatherer had to go out in the cold drizzling rain to procure said Taco Bell. While standing there waiting for their crack staff of employees to figure out what a taco was I noticed their employee signs. One in particular gave me pause. It shows a Taco Bell employee getting held up at gunpoint by the hoodie wearing thug.
The caption on top of the sign read

Isn't that like having a sign saying...PREVENT DRUNK DRIVING...BUY THE DRIVER A BEER

Yes..I know the lawyers write the sign and if I had children I wouldn't want them to "risk their life for someone else's money" but...give the screaming two year old what he wants and he'll stop screaming...until he wants something else. It works pretty much the same way with crooks. Once they learn how easy it is to rob a Taco Bell...they'll have to start taking appointments.