Wednesday, April 18, 2007

32 Failures of gun control

I've been following the VT tragedy pretty much since the start. The more I heard about what had happened the more pissed I became. Not just at the shooter, he's a piece of trash coward who merits no more mercy than a rabid skunk. No, my anger is directed at those close minded people who like high on their ivory towers surrounded by gates and armed guards who decide that THEY know better than the common man and push for more gun control. The senseless killing of 31 VT students shows yet again the complete failure of gun control laws. The brady bunch and their ilk sit back attempting to use each and every incident like this to push for more bullshit gun control. IT DOESN’T WORK! When will people wake up to this simple friggin fact of life. If you make it known that there are no guns legally in a place…that place will be much easier to do bad things in. The bad guys don’t really CARE that VT was a “gun free zone” It became a slaughterhouse. Anyone who thinks guns are the problem is pretty much deluded. The problem isn’t the fact that we as American citizens have access to guns. The problem is the anti gun crowd has a faster moving PC machine. All the hand wringing and calls for swift action to play on raw emotion is their stand operating procedure. They push and push for more gun control.

The VT campus was the world the anti gunners was ALL of us to live in. Free of guns..well..except for the one welded by evil. The law abiding students and faculty were left defenseless, waiting on the campus police to come and save them cowering in rooms, waiting to be slaughtered.

In 2006, Virginia had the chance to change the was killed in committee. And I quote

Jan 21, 2006
HB 1572, which would have allowed handguns on college campuses, died in subcommittee.
By Greg Esposito 381-1675

A bill that would have given college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with nary a shot being fired in the General Assembly.
House Bill 1572 didn't get through the House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety. It died Monday in the subcommittee stage, the first of several hurdles bills must overcome before becoming laws.
The bill was proposed by Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah County, on behalf of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. Gilbert was unavailable Monday and spokesman Gary Frink would not comment on the bill's defeat other than to say the issue was dead for this General Assembly session.
Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."
Del. Dave Nutter, R-Christiansburg, would not comment Monday because he was not part of the subcommittee that discussed the bill.
Most universities in Virginia require students and employees, other than police, to check their guns with police or campus security upon entering campus. The legislation was designed to prohibit public universities from making "rules or regulations limiting or abridging the ability of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun permit ... from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun."
The legislation allowed for exceptions for participants in athletic events, storage of guns in residence halls and military training programs.
Last spring a Virginia Tech student was disciplined for bringing a handgun to class, despite having a concealed handgun permit. Some gun owners questioned the university's authority, while the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police came out against the presence of guns on campus.
In June, Tech's governing board approved a violence prevention policy reiterating its ban on students or employees carrying guns and prohibiting visitors from bringing them into campus facilities.

They had a chance to give those students a fighting chance…and they failed. They let their innate fear of guns over ride common sense, and now they must live with those decisions.

The blood of those 31 students rests squarely on the hands of those who took away their right to self protection

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