Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Two Cents…The Sig 220 Elite Dark TB

First and foremost, I am a tried and true 1911 lover. There is NOTHING better than a quality 1911 in my mind. If you see me out and about more often than not there is a 1911 on my hip. With that being said, I’m very smitten with the new Sig Sauer P200 Elite Dark TB that I picked up this past weekend after doing some trading. I expect Sig pistols to shoot very well. I own several different Sigs in various calibers and sizes and they all perform very well…but there’s something about this new 220 that just…fits.
One of the perks of being self employed is being able to schedule some “me” time during the week. Today was one of those days. I met a friend of mine at a local range to blow off some steam and send some rounds downrange. My normal routine for trying out a new pistol is to load every magazine I have on hand and run through them as quickly as I can get the front sight back on target. This will usually show me if there’s going to be a issue that needs to be addressed. I don’t particularly go for accuracy during this; combat accurate center mass shots are good enough for me during this stage. I loaded 5 magazines with a mix of Federal and Magtech 230 grain ball ammo, took a good stance and went to work. After those 5 magazines…there was one HUGE hole ever so slightly to the right of dead center mass. No failures of any kind during some rather rapid shooting, reloading, etc. (The one thing you have to remember is to remove the thread protector from the threaded barrel...or it will remove itself)

After this little non scientific test, I loaded out all 5 magazines once again and tested out its accuracy...no surprises. As with most modern pistols, it is capable of much better accuracy than I am. As long as I did my part, it was no problem poking holes basically right on top of each other.

I don’t know if it is the new Hogue ExtremeTM Duty aluminum grips, the SRT/Short trigger setup but this 220 is a definite shooter. From a low ready position with a flash sight picture in double action it was almost too easy to drill center mass every time. I can’t say it will replace my 1911 as a daily carry gun, but it will join them in carry rotation with a high level of confidence.

For more information: