Thursday, May 17, 2007

News Two lets it bias slip

The local ABC station here in Nashville ran a story claiming that we wanted to be able to carry guns on bars now. That's NOT what the law is intended to do. Its to allow lawful carry into places that serve beer and alcohol (in TN they are different)
the way they presented the story made no mention of restaurants , just bars. They made it look like bubba wants to pony up to the bar with his hogleg and toss back a few. Nothing could be further from the truth. These are the proposed laws:

SB 0023*
HB 0702
McCord CRIMINAL LAW: Possession of firearm where alcohol is served. Permits a person who has a permit to carry a handgun to carry gun in place where alcohol is served for consumption on premises if person not consuming alcohol or is not otherwise prohibited by posting provisions.
TCA Secs. 39-17-1300; 39-17-1305
SB 1651
HB 1118*
Buck CRIMINAL LAW: Possession of handguns where alcohol is served. Allows a person holding a handgun permit to possess a handgun on premises where alcoholic beverages are served, so long as said person is not consuming alcohol and so long as the owner of the premises had not posted a notice prohibiting such possession.
TCA Secs. 39-17-1300; 39-17-1305
Senate Status: Set for Senate Judiciary Committee 05/15/2007.
House Status: Referred to House Judiciary Criminal Practice Subcommittee.
SB 1885
HB 1143*
Buck CRIMINAL LAW: Firearms allowed in restaurants. Allows any person with handgun permit who is not consuming alcoholic beverages and is not under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances to carry a handgun in a restaurant where alcoholic beverages are served.
TCA Secs. 39-17-1300; 39-17-1305
Senate Status: Set for Senate Judiciary Committee 05/15/2007.
House Status: Referred to House Judiciary Criminal Practice Subcommittee.

Notice the parts I highlighted in red. Why would you want to carry into a bar when you CAN'T LEGALLY DRINK WHILE CARRYING. The way the law is currently written, there is some discussion on the point that is doesn't allow uniformed police officers to carry unless they are performing official duties. How many times have you been in a local bar and grill and there sits a cop in full uniform laving lunch. That isn't what you'd call "official duties" if anything, he's off the clock. The way the law is currently written, he's breaking the law by not leaving his weapon in his car. The law needs to be changed...sooner rather than later. The owners can still post their property to stop people from carrying their least then I'll have a choice of where to have dinner.

From the anchor, Allison Hatcher:


I apologize if my deliver on the “guns in bars” story was offensive. I certainly did not mean for it to come across that way. In fact, it is my goal to remain neutral on most stories (with the exception of stories where showing opinion is appropriate).

What you might have sensed was my feeling about the lawmaker opposed to the idea. I’m sure you remember hearing about the lawmaker who felt “the only reason a person would need to carry a gun… is if that person were looking for a trouble.”
Personally, I find that idea little unfair! It’s quite obvious the reason gun owners want to be able to carry a weapon is to be able to ***protect** themselves from trouble. But it’s my job to make sure my opinion – whether “for” or “against” an idea – does not come through at the wrong time. I obviously missed the mark last night and for that I apologize.


Allison Hatcher

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